Tuesday, 1 December 2009

CRU 0 - Denial 1

Well it seems that scientists themselves have managed to score an own goal in the CO2 wars. The publication of emails stolen from a server at East Anglia Climactic Research Unit has allowed climate change sceptics to hope that they will undermine the Copenhagen talks.

It is alleged that CRU were doing their best to avoid FOI/ERI requests for raw data, but using the usual razor one suspects that stupidity (or avoidance of what is seen as unnecessary work) is more likely than conspiracy.

Reading the various postings on the internet the usual mud-flinging has begun which does nothing but cloud the waters. The sceptics (and disbelievers) of course see it all as another example of the great conspiracy theory managed by Al Gore. Well the truth, as always, is probably stranger and more unexpected then even science suggests, but the fact is this:

If the sceptics are wrong and humans are causing climate change, and if the climate change advocates predictions are accurate, then we are all screwed. Of course the poor will be more screwed than the rich, but that's nothing new.

Let's just hope the delegates at Copenhagen have a little more social responsibility and are bright enough to put their avarice aside on the grounds that spending a penny today may save millions of lives tomorrow.