Thursday, 10 January 2008

..and yet...

So now to summarise the ramblings, links and quotations..

No-one has any idea what's going on because lots of scientist dispute things. Thousands of scientists have signed petitions on both sides regarding the hockey stick graph and the IPCC conclusions.

Government bodies have been set up to analyse the statistics rather than the facts, nice one. things cited as evidence are later debunked and ridiculed. I don't think we're in a position to find the truth, it feels like we're
trying to get to the bottom of some international scandal and that alone makes me highly suspicious about the veracity of the advertised doctrine.

So, looking at the data I have to conclude we don't understand the system happening around us and we are knee jerking in reaction to it. the fact that ice cores suggest warm periods linked to high CO2 levels for thousands of years in the past gives me a strong gut feeling that CO2 and Temperature are linked, but not in the way most people believe.

The controversy around solar activity is on one hand reminiscent of the dendrochronology debate where an equal vested interest is shared by an entire community trying to justify their slice of the research dollar. But then on the other hand you can't deny that the sun is the single most influential factor on our planets climate, so maybe there is some truth in it.

What I am confident of is that decision makers in government are being told what policies to take by people with vested interests. Be those interests re-election, self popularisation or misguided nationalism trying to cripple the development of power hungry china/India. And also that we the public will never get to the truth so long as the only voices which we get to hear are those sanctioned by government bodies such as the NSA or IPCC.

Is CO2 causing global warming? We honestly don't know.
Is CO2 being used as a beating stick and global distractor? Almost certainly.

Ask yourself one question before you go to bed. If all the global warming news disappeared overnight, what world events would you be reading about instead?

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